Countries Old And New Names: Countries That Changed Their Names

Discover, the Countries that have changed their name, and get ready to know about the official new names of the countries.

Countries That Changed Their Names

Here we have examined the twelve nations that changed their names from ancient to modern for a few reasons. It begins from Persia to Rhodesia. Get to know the country’s modern names. The modification of the nations happens due to the impact of political culture and social factors, the Point by point data is given assist.

Countries Old And New Names


Persia is the official title but it was changed to Iran within the year 1935. This can be called on the Persian dialect. After that individuals begun calling the nation Iran. this Iran is one of the World’s Most seasoned Civilizations which begins with Elamities within the Fourth Thousand years BC.

Democratic Kampuchea:

The nation Democratic Kampuchea’s title was changed to Cambodia. The title Cambodia was changed numerous times due to the changes made by diverse pioneers and political. Within the starting, it was called Cambodia, at that point it changed to the Mer Republic. From 1975 to 1979 the time when the nation was beneath Communist run the show it was called Democratic Kampuchea, and after that after the Joined together Countries called it the state of Cambodia.

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In 2020, Holland got to be the Netherlands. Already the nations that had the 2 districts North and South Got to be the Netherlands. This alter has too looked as a move to advance tourism.


The nation Siam was changed in 1939 to Thailand after when it got to be a protected government. The Siam was never colonized, and this was ruled by Ruler Siam and it was moreover known by the title.


The country’s title Turkey was changed to Turkiye. This was declared by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The title Turkiye speaks to and communicates the Culture, Civilization, and values of the NationTurkish in perfect way”>the most perfect way.


The country’s title Burma was changed to Myanmar within the year 1989. This was done by the Junta Military. Changing the name was recognized by the Joined together Countries.

The Republic of Macedonia:

Within the year 2019, The country’s title The Republic of Macedonia was changed to the Republic of North Macedonia. This was changed in an endeavor to have a organization With NATO.


The nation Swaziland was changed to Eswatini in its neighborhood dialect. This was changed in 2018 by the lord of Swaziland in Africa. Eswatini could be a landlocked nation in Southern Africa. This nation is classified as a lower middle-income economy.

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Ceylon was changed to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was isolated by its colonial Bequest. After the freedom, the title Srilanka was changed by the island government.

Irish Free State:

The country’s title Irish Free State was changed to Ireland in year 1937. The title Irish Free State too known by its Irish title which is Saorstat Elireann.


Czech Republic:

At the time when the Soviet Communist Republic begun to drop isolated, Czechoslovakia begun to part into 2 partitioned nations. One of the nations among the two is the Czech Republic. The title Czech Republic was changed to Czechia. It is a landlocked nation in Central Europe. Typically bordered by Austria to the south.


The country’s colonial title Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe. This was changed when the it got autonomy to the republic of Zimbabwe. From 1965 to 1979 Rhodesia was an unrecognized state in Southern Africa.
