(BREAKING) FPE: S.U.R.C nullifies suspension of financial secretary by Chief Justice of S.U.J.C

The Federal Polytechnic Ede, Students Union Representative Council ably led by Rt Honourable Oladepo Adeniyi J. has nullified the suspension of the financial secretary lady comrade Queen D’ by the Chief Justice of S.U.J.C and order for her immediate resumption to office.

This was communicated in a memo dated 03|12|2020, signed by the speaker, Rt Hon. Oladepo Adeniyi J. through the clerk.

The statement captioned with the heading “Notification of nullification of unconstitutional suspension of the financial secretary by Chief Justice of S.U.J.C” read;

“The SURC hereby writes to the financial secretary, the S.U.E.C and the S.U.J.C informing them of the ‘nullification of’ unconstitutional and barbaric suspension of the financial secretary by the Chief Justice of the S.U.J.C”

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The statement read further, “The council strongly frowns at the unconstitutional act and the abuse of office by the Chief Justice as he single-handedly violated Article (vi) section (iii) Sub Section (xviii) of the Students’ Union constitution; ‘that the council (S.U.J.C) shall not usurp the executive powers of the Students Union Executive Council”,

“In lieu of this, this council ordered the nullification of the barbaric “letter of suspension” served to the financial secretary and order the financial secretary with immediate effect continue her constitutional duty as in the best interest of the union”.