Between Aregbesola and Oyetola, let’s all be guided

Those who think they can curry favour or earn ranks by fighting dirty in the “perceived” feud between Symbol and Ileri Oluwa, be conscious of history and apply decorum. Should this end in Mutual Assured Destruction, history will not absolve you!

It is either you are on a mission and sponsorship of destabilising the party by some agent provocateur who benefitted from such in the past or you are absolutely ignorant of politics of sabotage or suffering from selective amnesia or covered with rage devoid of reasoning.

Should the said feud be resolved, which part of the divide will you be counted? Will you not be a scapegoat? As young men and women, it is better to err on the side of caution than to be caught in the web of “had I known?”.

Aregbesola is made already, Oyetola is fulfilled and you are there playing ‘Abijawara’ on free, donated or borrowed data oozing with ignorance. Be conscious of your public conduct and be aware of potency of the social media space. ‘Iyan Ogun Odun’ can still be hot and painful to touch.

The ruling class understands the enormity of the task ahead and you won’t be one million miles near the table when issues will be resolved. Has Ileri Oluwa discussed his second term ambition with you or has Oranmiyan registered his disdain for Ileri Oluwa with you?

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Whichever way the pendulum swings for Ileri Oluwa, he will forever be addressed as His Excellency and on life benefit that can sustain his modest living. Will you share same with him? Wisdom is highly required at this juncture.

It’s high time the two camps team leave the pre-primary election stage and move to the stage of providing leadership without segregation or vile. Yes, there were camps and aspirants prior to the general election of 2018. As soon as Oyetola emerged APC candidate, camps and divisions that struggled for power from all ends were fused into one and deployed to prosecute the gubernatorial election.

Everyone played one role or the other; they deserve commendation and attention not condemnation and segregation as party people who toiled to see the emergence of the present government. Or was it the might with which the primary election was won that gave the overall gubernatorial election victory?

Divisive utterances such as “He does not belong to Ileri Oluwa”, “he is Oranmiyan” or Returnee from ADP should have ended by now as we approach the middle of the term. The focus now should be how to embrace all ranks and end sectional or selfish interests.

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After all, the SDP who later joined via emergency alliance are properly integrated into governance while the ADP returning were properly reckoned with. What about those who remained steadfast within the Osun APC but were not into the Ileri Oluwa structures, the task ahead is enormous and collectivity will play a major role.

The hawks are hovering to pick live preys while the vultures are patiently lying in wait to devour the carcass. Your role as a destroyer or keeper will not be ignored in the eventual outcome.

There are options laid before everyone and there is liberty to choose. With one house there was a rerun, what will be the result for a divided party? 2022 is just some months away, be guided.

  • Dairo wrote from Osogbo, Osun State