Best 12 Personal development tips to imbibe for 2018

Today marks the end of another productive year 2017 and all thanks to almighty God for what everyone reading this piece were able to achieve in the year.

It sounds fun when the year comes to an end but interestingly ‘accounts need to balance’ for a better 2018.

Having a better 2018 comes with a cautious effort from you in structuring the kind of success you want to enjoy in this new year and most importantly what you want to project to the world to get to know about you.

In order to achieve anything worthwhile, you then have to think personal development because it is the bedrock of whatever greatness you will enjoy.

And now the big question. What is Your Personal Development Plans for 2018?

Your personal Development plan as it were must be a detailed, Well-Structured, Articulated and Written Plan that will demand your loyalty and commitment to achieving it. It should include the following:

1. Building Spiritual Capacity (Moving from Just Relationship to Quality Fellowship with God)

2. Buy and bite Inspirational and Motivational Books to Read in 2018 (Do have a weekly, monthly or quarterly reading plan)

3. Take your career to the next level. Professional And Career Development (Attend Seminars, Conferences or Workshops.)

4. Get connected to figures of authority. These are your Mentors, Coaches. Your connection to them in 2018 will add great value to your life and work.

5. Get developed. Go get relevant or simply put, Additional Skills to Sharpen and enhance your ability to serve people well and earn more.

6. Don’t under-estimate fun, travel and relaxation. Visit places, events, cities And Nations for recreation and education.

7. Build Networks, join Associations. They will in turn pay you in the nearest future.

8. Determine some negative relationships or friendships to cut off from (friends that drains personal energy from you)

9. Invest in Wise and Intelligent Investments to in 2018.

10. Break off from negative Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours.

11. Build positive Habits , Attitudes and Behaviours to cultivate in 2018.

12. Go learn about failure. It has been researched to be the bedrock of success. There is no better time to start planning order than now good people.

Tomorrow may be very busy to attend to you. And before you say Happy New Year Today, think 1 to 12.

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact