BBN All Stars: Phyna Set to Attack Adekunle After His Terrible Comment About Her

Adekunle has poked and caused massive trouble as he reveals to his current housemate something about Phyna. Fans are waiting to see if the situation would escalate as it is known that she always responds to anything that reeks of negativity or seem to be a troll.

Phyna does not stay quite on the internet, it is one of the reasons she is continually bashed, but it is also the reason her fans come strong for her. She has an interesting personality and is always ready to reply every gbas with a gbos.

Adekunle speaking on the unrealistic expectations that are placed on winners of BBN, including fashion wise, spoke about Phyna. According to him, she was very uncomfortable wearing a corset during her media round. His statement has been misinterpreted by some fans as body shaming.

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It is feared that Phynation would come for him if this misinterpretation persists. Despite this, some fans have clarified that he did not speak from a place of malice, rather he was expressing a reality thag should he spoken about.