BBN All Stars: Ike Allegedly Comes for Mercy Eke, Makes Evil Plan of Jealousy with CeeC Support

Ike has started with his evil conniving and this time fans allege he is coming for Mercy. In his short stay in the house he has successfully managed to cause emotional damage and make plans that has left the public speechless.

While moral crucifers are disgusted by his actions, there are some that stand by the phrase, “it’s a game”, we don’t fault the players but the game. Despite his apology to the housemates and even viewers, fans have been waiting to see his next move.

During a conversation with CeeC, they revealed how they’re still aware of the game and fans believe they have stumbled upon his next move. CeeC discussed how her new found closeness to Ike in the house has made him the interest of multiple ladies.

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The specific number of ladies mentioned were two, Ike acknowledged this and they spoke about how they like the situation that was brewing because of them. Fans have concluded that one of those ladies is Mercy Eke. According to them, Ike has been trying to make her jealous and CeeC has made herself available for this game plan.