Basic Guidelines To Overcome Temptation As A Single

In our days to day, in the life we lives of the youths and singles, we have found it so didfficult to overcome temptations that comes across our ways.

It’s not as if we don’t know what is right and what is wrong to do in life. Rather, we do those things thinking that it’s the normal way of living, which totally a wrong impression in our heart to think like that. Nevertheless, most of the temptaions the singles fall into it’s trap is the temption of staeling what does not belong to us, and also lieing, and most much ,more the temptation of immorality.

When we see ourselves that we can’t do anything without lieing or staealing or even fighting, those attitudes keeps ringing an alarm on our heads, which leads us to doing the wrong thing at the right time.

When we have made up our mind to do what is right and stop falling into the tempatations of commiting sin, we will realze that, when the temptaion comes around, we will be able to defeat it. When there is no decsion of what we want yet, we will keep falling and afalling until the tempation takes off our head to death.

Most times, so many of knows that what we are about to do is the wrong thing, then, intentionally we do it and tell ourselves that God will understand. Yes God is alive, He is ever ready to listen and hear you speak and call Him.

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When you do things and think that He stand for you, when you knew the right thing tod, He will only leave us, and also watch to see if we will apologize to Him and return back to Him again. He is always a merciful God.

* Keep Good Friends

Your friends deteremines the kind of life you leave, when you have a friedn that is a trrue friend who corrects you on te things you do, at some point if he/she keeps telling you to do right thing and you don’t he/she leaves you and finds their way out.

Then, if you are responsbile, all you need ot do is keep that friend, by calling your friend back, apologizing to your friend and ammending your ways, just for the sake of that your friend and for the sake of the good doings.

* Let What You Have Be Enoigh For You

When you have anything at all and you are busy looking and sighting into someone elses things, whih you know that you cnanot afford, that is when it leds you stealing what does not belong to you.

There are so many ways to achieve great things, even without stealing them, you just have to work it out, and also be determined to get them on the right way. I want you to have the spirit of accomodating yourself with the little thing you have, let yourself feel ok with whatr you have.

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* Don’t Keep YourSelf Jobless

Most reasons why any youths fall into temptaion of commiting sin today is misty because they’re jobless. Instead of you to stay at home doing nothing, the best thing to do is to go outside there in real life and find out what you have to offer the world.

Stop saying that you can not do it, because deep down inside of you, you know that you can do it. There is a person in you wchich you have not discover anfd when that person in you manifests, you will be a star and a role model to many people.

* Stop Being Lazy

Laziness is the key to failure, when you are person that is very lazy and is not even ready to take any step in life, all that happens to you is nothing good because you have never woken up from your bed of laziness.

QUOTE: A jobless man is a lazy man, and if he wants to achieve anything in life, for the sake of laziness, he will never take a bold step, therefore, laziness is the key to your downafall.