How Did Frank Tartaglia Die? South Philly Filmmaker Cause of Death Explained

South Philly filmmaker and co-owner of Connie’s Ric Rac club, Frank Tartaglia, passed away at the age of 45.

How Did Frank Tartaglia Die?

Frank Tartaglia passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on Thanksgiving Day at his South Philadelphia home, only a few weeks after his first significant picture received favorable reviews as the festival’s opening night film.

He had been in good health and had been looking forward to the success of his movie, according to family members, who also expressed their astonishment at his death.

Pennsylvania Burial Company has made a public announcement on Frank Tartaglia’s passing on Thursday, November 24, 2022.

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How Did Frank Tartaglia Die? South Philly Filmmaker Cause of Death Explained

Frank Tartaglia Cause of Death

Frank Tartaglia cause of death was not disclosed yet. There are no information available about Frank Tartaglia cause of death. have been trying to reach out to the family and relatives for comment on the incident. So far no responses have been received. We will update the page once enough information is available. More information on Frank Tartaglia cause of death will be added soon.

Who was Frank Tartaglia?

Frank was a former actor and writer for The Sixth Borough, a producer for All true Networks, a janitor for the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, and a writer for MTV Networks.

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Although he resided in Los Angeles, California, he was originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Frank Tartaglia attended the School of Visual Arts and Creative and Performing Arts High School.