ABSU Post-UTME Result For 2023/2024 Session (How To Check)

ABSU Post-UTME results for the 2022/2023 session have been released. All candidates who participated in the screening can proceed to check their results online.

Candidates are to follow the procedure below to check their results.

How to check ABSU Post-UTME Result

  1. Go to ABSU portal at http://portal.abiastateuniversity.edu.ng/Applicant/Screening
  2. Select your programme and enter your name in the required columns and then click continue.
  3. Finally, select your name from the drop-down list and enter Application Form PIN
  4. Click “Check” to view/print your ABSU post UTME Result.

For the applicants who paid online through their cards, their invoice number also serve as their pin.