By Abideen Muhammed Ayomide

As we celebrate democracy, there is need to evaluate our politicians on the scale of democracy and religion. History has it that Nigeria among other countries is too childish to operate on true and just democracy. This is because democracy we expect to unite us became the pivot point at which we argue and hate ourselves even beyond the scope of mere men.

However, the problem would have been better and minimal if its tentacle was not extended to religious jingoism and political favoritism. No nation will grow under such condition for the obvious reason – enmity and all forms of jingoism. And our upholder of the acclaimed democracy are busy worshiping politics.

The politics our looters play in Nigeria is far from being dirty but also dangerous to the growth of our nation. Or is not in this nation that we hardly buy respect for politicians let alone clothing them with gown of equity, integrity, etc.

Politicians at liberty turn politics to god they worship every day of their life. An average Nigerian usually expect comedy in Nigeria politics especially from the Senate. If Saraki is not the actor, it means Dino Melaye is still within his time on the stage. If there is anything our senators and representatives worship in the hollow Chamber is mace and gavel and public funds is the reward of their gospel.

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Among those axiom in the fold of politics we were unconsciously taught is that Nigeria Politicians have no religion and it is evident during election period where a politician may tactically bear Muslim and Christian name that makes it awkward to boldly distinguish if he belongs to the people of Bible or Quran or ‘iron’. They bamboozle the populace making us to believe they are holy than thou.

You won’t imagine a supposed Muslim politicians that attended congregational prayer on Friday dancing fervently on Sunday to praise thy Lord in different styles. The one whose devil has erected pillars in his heart will worship Allah on Friday, crown Sango on Saturday night and worship Jesus on Sunday. And if you complain, such fellow will say we worship the same God!

And for the God chosen one, at least to my statistical analysis, he stick to one religion yet act in parallel line to the divine text. All the injunction of his Lord has no meaning to him. It is in this country that we witnessed a President that almost turned Aso rock to religious centre was later cut in many unlettered corruptions. He also paraded worship house to kneel to Baba God like a truthful repentant, alas! He is only fooling us to rob us. So who should we say Nigerian politicians worship if not politics?

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Nigerians politicians have long scrapped moral in their modul operandi and replaced political godfathers with their God. They don’t have any ten commandments than whims and caprices or greediness, which define their actions and inactions. Moral leadership has been dumped in the bin long time ago.

However, the fact remains that political structure without religion will surely trade the path of destruction. Our politicians in the light of sincerity must play politics without compromising religion. They must imbibe moral leadership style in order to give us the true change that will reform our society. Dr John C Maxwell said:
“Everything rises and falls on
leadership.” and I say religion is the bone that supports whatever falls on the shoulder of leadership.

Happy Democracy Day 2019