How To Create, Login, Sell NFT On OpenSea iPhone, Android

One of the largest non-fungible token markets (NFTs) in the world is OpenSea. This NFT market is a benchmark in the world of crypto collectibles and covers more than 60% of the market with a volume of more than 13,2 billion dollars.

With this incredible data, the most impressive thing in all this is that to participate in OpenSea you only need a device with an Internet connection and a Web3 wallet such as MetaMask. With this you can buy, sell and even create your own NFTs and show them to the world.

How to connect with OpenSea?

To enter OpenSea, the first thing you must do is go to its official website.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

Once there, all you have to do is go to the wallet icon on the web and click on the MetaMask option to connect to the wallet.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

When selecting the wallet, you only have to accept the interaction with it and with this you will already be completely connected to the market.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

Get to know the platform a little

Now, at this time, we are already connected to OpenSea and it is a good time to learn about all the options that this platform offers us. First, you have the ability to explore the entire market available on OpenSea. For this you must go to the option “Explore” and there you will see all the categories available to navigate in OpenSea.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

As you can see, OpenSea brings together NFT of all kinds of projects, some as famous as The SandboxCryptoKitties, Mutant Ape, CryptoPunks, Decentraland, in addition to other categories such as Music, Metaverses, Sports Fans and much more.

Each of these categories and spaces can be explored, for example, if we go to CryptoPunks, we can see the entire NFT catalog that is there.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

Clearly in these spaces you can appreciate the amount of NFTs available in the market, the people who are within it (the owners) and the commercial volume of the NFTs in the last 24 hours, which gives you an idea of ​​the immense level of this market.

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In addition, OpenSea also allows you to review the statistics of the different NFTs within the market (using the Stats section), allowing you to see the best NFTs by ranking and activity.

How to create NFT on OpenSea for free

In any case, all these spaces have something in common: they are the digital artistic expression of many people around the world, with OpenSea being a place that seeks to bring everyone together so that they can display, buy and sell their digital creations. And this is something you can participate in, because you can also create your own NFTs, place them in this market so that others can buy your creations if they wish.

How to create an NFT on OpenSea

Creating your first NFT in OpenSea is very easy. However, you must take into account some things:

  1. It must be taken into account that if the NFT has a centralized point, its fall or alteration can lead to the loss of properties of said NFT. An example of this we could see when several NFTs were altered by an artist on OpenSea to prove it.

Now that you have this in mind, let’s proceed to create our first NFT in OpenSea. The first step will be to go to the button “Create” or “Create”Within OpenSea to begin the NFT generation.

How to create an NFT on OpenSea

Now, the first thing we will do is have the NFT at hand, which in this example will be an image in JPG format. You will like to know that OpenSea allows you to use images (JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG), audio (WAV, OGG, MP3) or video (MP4, WEBM) so your creation opportunities are immense. The following is to indicate both the name of the NFT, an external link (to give more information) and a description of the NFT. You fill in each of these spaces with the data you want, and in the end you will get something like this:

How to create an NFT on OpenSea

Below you can select other options that you can add to your NFT, such as adding it to any collection you have or applying special properties to it. In addition, you can choose the network on which you will create the NFT, in this case, the Ethereum or Polygon network.

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How to create an NFT on OpenSea

To finish you just have to click on the button “Create” and with that you will have your NFT completely created. Congratulations, you have created your first NFT within OpenSea! The result of the steps we have taken in this guide can be seen in this link.

How to create an NFT on OpenSea

How to sell NFT on OpenSea

Now, you have created your first NFT and you are wondering how can I sell it? Well, it’s very easy. All you have to do is enter your NFT space and click the button “SELL”.

How to make money with NFT

Once this is done, you will see a new page where you can place the price of the NFT you want:

How to make money with NFT

Along with other important data such as the duration of the sale period (6 months by default), you will see the OpenSea service fee (in this case 2,5%) and the network where the token is (in this case on Polygon) , after filling in all the data we have the possibility to list our NFT by clicking on “Complete Listing”, with which the sale period of our NFT will begin.

How to create NFT on OpenSea iPhone

After clicking, you must perform a series of actions that will allow you to list the token and finally you will be able to have your first NFT for sale within OpenSea.