How To Unblock Website URL On Facebook (Ultimate Guide)
It seems like this day will never come when you will have your blocked website URL unblocked again after Facebook has added it to their blacklist. To worsen it all, the easiest way to contact Facebook which is the live chat and emailing option has been disabled.
Now you are left with no other means. This can be frustrating you know especially when half of your traffic comes from social media especially Facebook.
I’m a victim of this incident. My blog ( Naijaparry ), this very blog you are reading this article from was blocked by Facebook. I could not share my URL and links again on my Facebook page, my timeline even in friends inbox.
It did not just end there, my URL was generally banned so, no one anywhere could share my links and URL on Facebook.
Take for example you finished reading this post about how to unblock your website URL from Facebook and decided to share it with your friends, you will be restricted by Facebook.
The following error message will pop up;
“This post goes against our Community Standards on spam”
This was a big challenge and a problem for me as a blogger. It did not just affect my traffic alone, it also reduced my earnings massively.
I was really worried, I had to begin my research online looking for all possible solutions but to no avail.
At first, when Facebook blacklisted my website URL, I did not worry much because I know once I just visit their support page and start a live chat with one of Facebook help personal my problem would be solved.
I never knew that this feature (the live chat and emailing option) has been removed by Facebook.
At this point, I became so worried. I delved into Google to find a possible alternative to unblock my website URL.
All the tips I was seeing online did not work for me. Those I felt would work, the blog authors placed the tips on sale. Due to the number of fraud online, I did not trust any one of these people.
When I went to Google, I now noticed that many more people have this same issues and are finding it difficult to resolve it.
The following questions were asked by bloggers who got their URL blocked by Facebook.
Facebook live chat and emailing option is not available, how do I block my website URL on Facebook?
My Website URL blocked By Facebook | How To Unblock?
How to get unblock your website on Facebook?
How to unblock a website on Facebook?
How unblock my website on Facebook?
Did Facebook block my website?
2019 method to unblock my website on Facebook
Working method to unblock my website URL on Facebook
Why user have been prohibited to share its website links on the Facebook page timeline.
These questions triggered me more to find possible solution to this.
Facebook is no doubt the biggest social networking platform in the world. It has a very high number of users.
With Facebook, you can easily interact with friends and loved ones, publicize your business, direct traffic to your website and even make great sales.
Facebook is an awesome tool but humans will always be human no matter what.
On Facebook, if you are not careful these days, you will get scammed by a lot of fake people operating there.
Because of this, the social media giant decided to improve its policies and security for the safety of its user.
I know you will think I’m digressing already. NO! I’m only stating the facts.
The good thing remains; no matter how lengthy or full of a story this article carries, at the end of the day you will still get to unblock your website URL on Facebook.
Now let’s get down to business. You are looking for a solution on how to unblock your website URL on Facebook? worry no more you are just a few steps away to get free from such a frustrating experience.
Why will Facebook block my blog URL?
If your website was blocked on Facebook, here are the possible reasons for that.
1. Hight tech platform:
An advanced platform like Facebook has a lot of installed tools that makes it perform actions automatically. This simply means that most of the actions taken on Facebook are not done by humans but rather by robots. So sometimes these robots malfunction and take actions by mistake.
2. Someone reported your URL through Facebook:
You might have made a post that someone or some persons find offensive or irrelevant, out of anger, they may just decide to report your URL to Facebook. When this reporting is done repeatedly, Facebook would be forced to block your URL.
3. Copyright.
When you often post copyright contents without giving credit to the real owners. When those who actually own the content finds it, they will report your URL.
4. Spamming:
Most people are guilty of this act. They are fond of sharing a particular blog URL on all Facebook groups, pages, timelines, friends inbox, comment sections, etc. When you do something like this often, Facebook will detect your blog URL as a threat/suspicious and end up blocking it.
NOTE: Facebook teams don’t have time to be blocking your URL or page, all blocking and policy violation charges are done by an artificial intelligence (AI) robot.
Now that you have known this, it’s time to learn the main thing.
How to unblock Domain/Website URL on Facebook
Simple Step How to unblock website URL on Facebook without using the live chat and emailing option | 100% working!
Steps to unblock website URL on Facebook.
1. Visit the Facebook Help Center:
Here is the page where you are likely to see all frequently asked questions on Facebook and also their answers.
2. Visit the Facebook Sharing Debugger page :
When your website URL is blocked on Facebook, this is the page to visit. Enter your website URL in the sharing debugger fill box then hit the debug button.
If your website URL was blocked because one of your post links has content that Facebook finds abusive, this debugging tool will let you know the fault and how to get it fixed.
But in a situation where your website URL was entirely blocked by Facebook, the debugger tool will not show you any cause of why Facebook blocked your URL rather you will get the following error message.
“We can’t review this website because the content doesn’t meet our Community Standards. If you think this is a mistake, please let us know.”
3. Click on “let us know”:
When you click on this option, it will take you to the Facebook block page. It’s on this page that you can request Facebook to unblock your website URL.
On this page, you have to write an application. Not just any kind of application but the one that after Facebook finish reading it, you’d website URL will be unblocked in just 24hours.
Below is the specially drafted out application which you can send to Facebook and then get them to have your website URL unblocked in less than 1day.
“Good Morning/Afternoon Facebook (Depend on what time of the day you are sending it)
With all due respect, Please I would like to notify you that my website URL has been blocked on Facebook.
Just of recent, I got to know that my website URL: has been blocked on Facebook and prohibited me from sharing my website links over my pages and my timeline.
I didn’t go against any of your policies. I apologize If I have broken any Facebook policy by any mistake.
I’m requesting that you should please unblock my website URL and enable its links.
I thank Facebook Team for making it a safer place for all users.
Please Unblock my website.
Thanks in Advanced.
Alamu Tosin (Put your own name)”
After you are done, click on the Send button.
Give it just 24hours (Maximum wait 48hours)
This method worked for me and I strongly believe it should also work for you. Try it without any doubt. come back to this page after 24-48hours and drop a testimonial comment.
Thanks for reading and welcome back to posting and sharing of your website URL/links on Facebook.