BBTitans 2023: Yemi Cregx Betrays Blue Aiva For Khosi
Our resident Bad boy and Yoruba demon, Yemi Cregx has been up to a lot. Like a Twitter user put it best, “he’s like a doctor, moving from ward to ward; every patient must be attended to.”
After sharing a kiss with Blue Aiva on Tuesday night, he reserved his Wednesday night for Khosi.
The two ex-lovers met up in bed and shared a kiss. They even fell asleep in each other’s arms. Here is an excerpt of the dialogue they had before hitting snooze.
K – I just wish you were like Miracle, my life wouldn’t be this complicated.
Y – How do you mean?
K – I wish you can like me publicly.
K -You’re here with me now and then tomorrow you will be with that other person.
Y- I’m not with any other person girl.
After he blatantly denied Blue Aiva. He told Khosi, “I miss us”. She concurred. They kissed. The rest as they say, is history.
We wonder if these two will remain an item in the daylight.