9 Signs You Have A Future With The Man You’re Dating

As much as we label men dogs, we are sometimes to blame. We tend to hang on to meaningless relationships as women and it comes to bite us in you-know-where, down the road. There are good men out there though it is time to know whether you have a future with your man.

Here are 9 good signs:

1. Talks of “We” not “I”.
If your man speaks of “we” in your conversations most of the time, then he’s a keeper.

2. He values your opinion.
If he asks you what you think about many things, then he values your opinion. Never take this for granted because he trusts you to be real with him.

3. He takes you to family gatherings.
If your man tags you along for family gatherings, it is a sign he thinks highly of you. He has let you in in his private space.

4. He talks about having kids with you.
Does your man talk about who the kids will look like between you and him? If so, you are winning!

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5. He has introduced you to all his friends.
Do you know all your man’s friends? And did he introduce you or is it just a coincidence? If you know all your man’s friends and their girlfriends, then you are probably not wasting your time.

6. He fully trusts you.
If your man can trust you with his heart, his finances, his car, his house, basically the important things, then you are good to go. If he does this, don’t ever give him a reason to doubt you. Don’t take his trust for granted; just like you wouldn’t want him to take you for granted.

7. He has a good relationship with your family members.
Does he have a good relationship with your siblings? Is he even trying? If he values you, he will want to have a good relationship with your family members.

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8. He cares if you are happy.
If your man always wants to see you happy and wishes the best for you, then he’s a keeper. Cheaters and liars would care less if you feel bad about something they do. Does your man try to be affectionate any chance he gets? It also means he isn’t playing around with your heart.

9. He has put a ring on it.
This is one of those major signs that he wants to make it official. Just don’t stay in the fiancé level for 5 years, you might as well quit it.