9 Signs Of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant

9 Signs Of Not Being Able To Get Pregnant

Fertility issues have separated many marriages. It is either due to their ignorance which is not an excuse or impatience.

Whatever the case may be, it is better to know early whether or not you have a fertility problem so that you can tackle the problem very early before it degenerates.

Here are 9 things to look out for:

Irregular Menstruation

The normal cycle for ladies is 28days and some ladies might have 30day in a month, 33 days or 35 days after but they are still consistent, this can be considered normal and regular. But in a situation where you have lost tab of your cycle because it even comes at times 24 days or more than 35 days, this might be a warning signal and so you need to see a Doctor

No periods at all

In a situation where you have not had your period in months, then there could be some dangers. Though, stress or heavy exercise could lead to temporary cessation of your period. If you have experienced more than 2 to 3 months cessation, it is time you saw your Doctor.

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Unbearably painful periods

if you are someone that experiences very painful period, cramps with clots, you might want to consider getting some test done to know your fertility status.

Having issues with ejaculation

Fertility issue is not with women alone but the man can also be the culprit. When a man is having issues ejaculating, it might be time to see the Doctor.

Terminal diseases

If you have any health challenges like diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid problem which has caused you to be taking some drugs, Experts say can lead to irregular cycle while some hypertensive drugs may cause a problem with sperm production, ability to fertilize the egg and other issues.

Loss of libido

Men with loss of libido have a problem getting or keeping an erection. They also have a problem with ejaculation with accompanying pain, swelling in the testicles. All these could be a warning signal to the fact that something is wrong with your fertility

Painful sex

Vagina dryness is usually due to lack of the female hormone—oestrogen —which is either a sign of menopause or a hindrance to getting pregnant. Also, if the man is having serious pain during sex

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Production of milk from the breast

If your breast is producing milk like a lactating mother, then something might be fundamentally wrong which can result in infertility.

History of STDs

If either of you has had sexually transmitted diseases in the past especially such that it is recurring or was not well treated, it can lead to infertility.