7 Unbelievable Ways To Win Back Your Husband’s Heart

7 Unbelievable Ways To Win Back Your Husband’s Heart

To get the express love and attention of your husband is not as difficult as you think. But you have been battling with him for long because you fail to use those highways that lead straight to his heart.

All these highways are at your disposal but how they are used is very important.

Below are 7 unbelievable highways that lead straight to the heart of your husband

1. Your Kitchen: you already know the saying that the key to the heart of a man is his stomach. That can be very true depending on what you are cooking and how your kitchen is.

Cook your husband’s favourite meal in a neat kitchen and serve him like a king.

2. Your Mouth: the mouth is a gate and from it comes many things whether pleasant or unpleasant. Can I ask you this rhetorical question, how do you usually address your husband? Do your words kill or bring life to his soul? Can he depend on you to give him good advice whenever the need arises?

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3. Your Dressing : you can’t win your husband’s heart if you always dress shabbily not minding how the dress looks on you. You are permitted to ‘dress to kill’ your husband alone, make his head spin and his brain full of pleasurable ideas whenever he sets his eyes on you.

4. Your Wisdom: it is the wise woman that builds her home. Are you wise? What sort of counsel do you give your husband and can he safely trust you?

5. Your Faithfulness : every man wants a faithful woman, so also is your husband. Be faithful to him in all things.

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6. Your Knees: prayer is the key that opens all doors. Be a woman of the knee not just a woman of many words. What your many years of talking have never achieved, being on your knees in prayers for few seconds can do a lot.

7. Your Bedroom: for men, sex is food so dish that food well and serve your husband. Don’t be a woman who is always known for complaining whenever your husband needs you. Also, always keep the bedroom clean, sparkling and inviting.