If He Does These 7 Things, You Shouldn’t Give Him A Second Chance

Mistakes happen. They happen a lot in relationships. No matter how hard you might try, it’s so hard to be perfect in a relationship. Truthfully, it’s practically impossible. However, that doesn’t mean that all relationships are doomed as a result.

Yes, love and relationships might be imperfect. But that doesn’t have to expect that no relationships could last. This is where the values of patience and understanding come in. So as long as you try to stay patient with the partner that you’re with, you are going to turn out fine.

After all, you have to be willing to acknowledge the fact that your partner isn’t always going to do the right thing. And what that means is that you have to develop a tolerance for their pitfalls and mistakes. Naturally, this means being able to give them second, third, or even fourth chances. However, you also have to make sure that they are worthy of it. Sometimes, it’s just a lot better for you to walk away from someone than to try to force the issue.

How do you know?

Of course, you might ask the question. How do you know? How can you be sure if the person you’re with is worthy of that second chance? How do you know if it would be more apt for you to walk away entirely? Well, if you’re asking yourself these questions, then you have come to the right place. Sometimes, you have to be honest with yourself about the state of your relationship. If you find that a lot of the things listed here apply to your partner, then maybe you should rethink being in this relationship.

Here are a few signs that the person you’re with isn’t worth giving a second chance to.

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1. They refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

They aren’t interested in owning up to their mistakes and shortcomings. In their eyes, they think they can do no wrong. They always seem like perfect creatures who always do the right thing. However, you know that they can be destructive in their thoughts, habits, and words.

2. They don’t apologize for their mistakes.

They don’t have any interest in apologizing to you. They don’t care about the fact that they’ve hurt you or done something wrong. Even when they know that they’ve screwed up, they would never want to admit that to you. They are just too proud to apologize for anything. They don’t want to give you that satisfaction or peace of mind.

3. They focus the attention on all of the shortcomings that you have had.

Instead of just acknowledging the fact that they’ve screwed up, they would instead highlight the fact that you’ve done them wrong. They would want to put the highlight on all the ways that you’ve screwed up to take the attention away from themselves.

4. They make you feel wrong about who you are.

They have a way of just making you feel wrong about being the person that you are. Instead of you feeling proud of yourself, they just put you down. They try to diminish and degrade whatever confidence you might have.

5. They tell you that your feelings are invalid.

They tell you that your feelings are entirely invalid. When you express displeasure at something that they’ve done, they tell you that you’re just overreacting. They wholly invalidate any thoughts, feelings, sentiments, or opinions that you might have of them.

6. They use your feelings of guilt against you.

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They know that they have the power to make you feel guilty about whatever shortcomings you might have. And they know that they can use this against you as well. After all, they are masters of manipulation. And they are interested in getting you to do exactly what they want you to do regardless if it’s right for you or not.

7. They make the same mistakes over and over again.

No matter how bad it might make you feel, they aren’t shy about committing the same mistakes over and over again towards you. They prove their insensitivity, and they don’t care that their actions can have negative impacts on you.


As difficult as it might be to let someone you love go, it’s necessary sometimes. You have to love yourself before you love anyone else. After all, you always have to be the priority in your own life. That means that if someone isn’t treating you in the manner that you deserve, you need to dump this person altogether. You should always be looking after your well-being. And if someone ceases to add value to your life, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to decide to walk away from that individual.