“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;”
Ephesians 4:23 KJV

Your thoughts life will determine the state of your marriage. You can’t have a bad thought and have a good marriage. That is why I will be showing you 7 Great thoughts to a great marriage

“Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think”. – Dale Carnegie

Your happiness in marriage is not about what your job is, the number of Children you gave birth to, where you live or how your spouse treat or do not treat you, it depend on how you think and reason.

The state of your Marriage and family life will also depend solely on how you think about yourself, your spouse, your marriage, your in laws, your future and every other thing around you. That is why you must think right always, if your desire is a great result.
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

Proverbs 4:23 KJV

These are the best ways to think for a great marriage:

1) THINK RIGHT CHOICE: One of the most difficult situation to be handled by marriage counsellors is “wrong choice mind set” as soon as one of both people in a marriage believes they mis-married, to help them will be very difficult. Until they can think they didn’t mis-married, they won’t be committed to change habits and life style that hurts their marriage.

2) THINK WE: Marriage involve two, it’s not a solo, but a duet, it’s not a lone Journey but a community one. Think “WE” not I, ME, MINE and MYSELF. Always think and talk in unity.

3) THINK HELP: Think of helping your spouse in every situation, do not cast blame or castigate. Always be ready to be of help.

4) THINK BEST: Think you married the best wife/Husband. Think that your husband is having the best quality ever had by any man and that your wife is having the best quality no other woman possess. If you must compare your spouse with anybody let your spouse always score the highest points.

Hear what king solomon said about his Queen: “As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.”
Song of Solomon 2:2

He saw his Queen as a Lilly while other women are seeing as thorns. What a wonderful view.

His Queen on her part responded:

“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”

Song of Solomon 2:3 KJV

She saw her husband as an apple trees while other Men may be mango trees or other trees


Let Try to compare mango and apple you will see the huge differences:

Apple can be fond round the year, Mango is for few months

Apple come with small seeds which can be eating, Mango comes with very hard seeds which can not be eating

Apple is very medicinal, “eat an apple a day, send the Doctor away” is the saying of the wise. Mango can not do this.

You can eat 97% of apple, including the seeds and everything inside and trow away only the small stalk, you eat only 65% of the Mango you paid for.

Apple can be preserved for a long period, Mango last for few days.

Can you now read that scripture again and appreciate while the lady refer to her husband as an apple three or other Men are just wood of the forest.

If you see your wife as Lily and all other women and as thorns and the Wife sees her husband as Apple tree and all other Men as Wood. There will be contentment in your marriage and commitment to that marriage will be very high, then verse 4 of that scripture will come to pass in your marriage as your marriage become a banqueting house of love, joy and pleasure.

5) THINK BEAUTY: Think that you are beautiful and good looking enough for your spouse. Dont be intimidated by younger looking girls and enter into “jealous mode”, become fearful and insecure, thereby affecting your marriage.

6) THINK PILLAR: Think your spouse is a pillar in your life, this is very important to your existence, marriage and better life. As soon as you begin to think your spouse is not a plus in your life, you begin to think he or his absence in your life does not really matter, your commitment to your spouse and marriage begin to go down.

7) THINK SERVICE: Think of the way to serve your spouse not about how to be served best.

Think also you are getting the best service from your spouse that needs to be appreciated.

8) THINK BEST BEDROOM: One thing that destroy marriage so easily is the issues of infidelity. Most people are not content, they do not believe they are getting the best from their marriage so they are looking for “better deal” outside in the process they hurt themselves, their marriage, their integrity and many found death in the process.

The truth is no better deal outside your marriage. Great sex can be gotten in your marriage, its dangerous when you look elsewhere for it. The enjoyment that is sex is just eight seconds, no woman or man can give you more than that, so get your eight seconds enjoyment and pleasure at home, think your wife is having the best breast, face and sexual skill to satisfy you.

If you feel there are things you want your wife to do in bed that he or she is not doing, i will advise you get these two books for each of you for better understanding of Marital sex. SECRETS OF AN IRRESISTIBLE WIFE,

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact tosinalamu@gmail.com.