7 Prayers to Pray Against in the Life of your Husband

You need to rise up and pray against some prayers and powers that want to dominate the life of your husband,

they are:

1. Spirit of Hatred.
Pray against every spirit that can make your husband hate you, destroy every root of bitterness in his heart and tell the Lord to reign supreme.

2. Strange Women.
Stand against every woman that wants to snatch your
husband, pray aggressively against every woman
married or single that want to destroy your marriage by sleeping with your husband.

3. Demonic Friends.
Friends that encourage your husband to steal in the
office, drink, smoke or womanise are ungodly friends,
pray aggressively against them.

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4. Untimely Death.
Pray against untimely death, pray against youthful
widowhood, pray for long life and prosperity for your

5. Spirit Of Conflict.
Stand against the spirit of offence, crisis and conflict. A
lot of couples are fighting unnecessary battles in their
house because of this spirit, stand against it.

6. Spirit Of Divorce.
Pray aggressively against the spirit of divorce, command it not to cross the mind of your husband even for once, command your marriage to celebrate its 60th anniversary.

7. Spirit of Poverty.
Cast out the spirit of poverty from your marriage ask for the spirit of prosperity.