6 Ways To Know If Someone Has A Crush On You

So many times, we have a crush on someone or vice versa without knowing what that feeling is.

There are even times when we confuse love for lust, there are times when we just feel smitten by someone and we probably have no definition for it. Some people live in a world of self-denial when someone is crushing on them, they probably assume it’s nothing.

To ease off the stress and maybe wrong assumptions, these are some of the tips to spot that colleague, friend, boss or stranger that has a crush on you.

1. They always want to talk to you: you know someone has a crush on you when they tell you about anything and everything. If a person has a crush on you, they are never out of what to say. There is always something new they want you to know about. This is one first sign to know you have someone crushing on you.

2. They don’t stop staring: If you have this person that is fond of staring at you and your eyes meet at intervals, it could be a sign of someone crushing. Most times, this person looks at you straight in the eyes with some sort of expressions. Most times, they don’t care if you are aware they are lust in your eyes.

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They do it with so much courage. Sometimes you begin to feel uncomfortable from the stares but it’s normal.

3. They love to be around you: this person feels more comfortable hanging around you. They invite you for functions, movies, salon and anywhere they can be alone with you. They never feel bored when you are around. In fact, they prefer your company over anyone else. You just have a way you complete this person.

4. They feel jealous: You know someone has a crush on you when they feel jealous or mad at you when you are with the opposite sex. Most times, they don’t even show it, they just tend to act strange when you are with someone else. If someone is crushing on you, most times they automatically see you as a part of them.

Hence, they try to be all over you, guide you or shield you from others.

5. They stalk you: Your crush is always there stalking you, who you talk to, what you do, what you eat and so on. They are mostly on your social media pages trying to see what is new with you. Sometimes, you bump on them at intervals and it feels awkward. Your crush stalks you anytime, as long as it makes them feel good.

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6. They are completely the same with you: when someone has a crush on you, they act a little bit weird around you. Sometimes, they act so nervously and you begin to wonder why it is that way. Your crush could be so real around you.

They see no point in forming or trying to fake anything. They are just more interested in you and nothing else matters.

Be sure someone is showing any of these signs before you assume they have a crush on you. Sometimes, someone could have a crush on you and they wouldn’t ever talk to you. Silence is also a weapon of crush. Be guided.