5 Things You Should Never Tell Your Friends About Your Relationship

Our friends are there for us to share our life with but there are certain things about your relationship you should never share with your friends.

Check them out below


Every couple have arguments sometimes in their relationship but it’s wrong running to your friends to discuss every argument you had with your partner. The problem with telling your friends about arguments with your partner is that your friends will always remember them even after you and your partner have forgiven each other.

2. SEX

Discussing what happens in the bedroom with your friends is really wrong. Whatever happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. Your friends don’t need to hear a detailed discussion about what happened last night with your partner. You should respect your relationship and avoid discussing private details with your friends.

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It’s wrong to compare your partner with your ex during discussions with your friends. Unless you want your friends to think badly about your partner, you shouldn’t compare your partner to an ex in front of your friends. Comparisons can lead to unrealistic expectations which is damaging to a relationship.


It’s wrong to discuss your partner’s money problems with your friends. This is never advisable. It’s okay talking about yours with your friends but it’s never okay to talk about your partner’s money problems with friends. You disrespect your partner when you discuss your partner’s money problems with your friends.

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Your partner confided in you before telling you his/her secret and your partner trusts you not to discuss his/her secrets with anyone. Telling your friends about your partner’s secrets will destroy your partner’s faith in you. Even when you and your partner stop being together, you should still keep his/her secrets.