A man who truly loves his woman will leave no doubt in her mind that he is faithful to her. However, women sometimes let their insecurities get the best of them.

Here are nine signs to tell if he will ever cheat on you. (These signs also apply to women who would never cheat on their man.)

1. He practices pure honesty with you at all times.

He is always honest with you when it comes to both the little things and the important things. He always tells you the truth about his whereabouts. He has no problems with being open and honest about his feelings. He always expresses to you his true opinions. He doesn’t hesitate when it comes to revealing his true colors because he knows that you love him enough to accept him for his flaws so as long as he remains true to you.

2. He makes an effort to always keep you in the loop.

You don’t even have to keep messaging or calling him to ask about where he is about a particular moment. You don’t even have to keep asking him about what he’s up to. You don’t have to keep pestering him about his plans. You don’t have to keep asking him about what’s bothering him. He’s an open book to you. He will willingly take the initiative to keep you informed on the ins and outs of his life. He would never want to make you feel excluded at all.

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3. He is always keeping himself busy.

If he is the type of guy who is always doing something, then chances are he probably will not have the time to engage in any 3rd party relationships at all. If he’s always getting caught up with his work, hobbies, or fitness routines, then he really doesn’t have time for dating other women. Unless of course he sneaks off at night when you are asleep, but it would be highly unlikely he would have the energy to do so with such a busy schedule.

4. He has burned all bridges with previous relationship partners.

A lot of times, men will cheat on their current women with their previous flames. That’s why if your man has burned all bridges with his exes, then you really don’t have to worry much about him cheating on you with his old partners. It means that he’s moved on from them. He’s cut all ties from them because the only woman he wants to commit himself to is you.

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5. He always puts your needs above his own.

A selfless man is a man who would never cheat. He is incredibly sensitive and he knows how much it would hurt you for him to cheat on you. He would never want to do anything that would bring you heartache or despair. All he wants to do is make you happy for the rest of your days spent together. (H/T : Relrules)