5 Killer Romantic Words That Turn your Husband on

5 Killer Romantic Words That Turn your Husband on

It is not just about sex . Perhaps you are already thinking that I will be discussing sex. Sex is a physical form of sexuality and it could be good in a sense in your marriage.

But attracting your husband goes further than just the sex. It goes further than just the physical connections. The right words can turn your husband into a lover boy who cannot do anything without you.

Here are five words that can turn your husband on to a lifestyle of better intimacy, though they are not sex-related.


Perhaps this word sounds like a relic from the old-school. But be assured that this word has not lost its potency. The word did a lot of magic for the old school family and it can also do something exceptional for you too in the new school. So next time you are discussing with your husband consider using the word. The word shows that you are not taking the well-being of your husband for granted.


The subtlety of this word is unquestionable. But, this word carries confidence and a sense of value for your need. Gone are the days when women are not supposed to voice their need to their husband. Today, even men love their wife to ask for more, more of everything, even more of the bedroom plays. Don’t just let your husband to always initiate moves. You can initiate them too. Confidence in asking for more, just like Oliver Twist in the classical Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist , is not only sexy but effective in communication.

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Thank you

This word shows a sense of gratitude. Your husband will admire you the more when you show a sense of gratitude for everything that is done. Besides, when you show humility purposefully with that word “Thank you” to your husband, unconsciously, your husband will become a lover boy. And you will be more attractive to him. For each time he looks at you, he sees an inner beauty.


No is a word that is very important in a successful marriage. Say no when situations arise for it. Although there are times that you will come to a compromise on certain matters, saying no is a good quality that your husband will love in you especially when he is seeking an advice on salient issues of life.

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As a wife, be constructive in the criticism of your husband. It is expedient for you to show your true colour through colourful expression. Your husband will find you trustworthy and he can easily talk to you because he knows that you do not disregard cliché that is gender specific. When your words are colourful, void of the demoralizing words. I don’t have to name the word here, you already know them.