5 Glaring Signs You Are Addicted to WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used apps in the world today. You will find it in almost every smartphone .

If you notice that you do most of the things stated below, then you might be addicted to WhatsApp without even knowing.

Here are some of the signs you can look out for to know.

You check WhatsApp first thing after waking up

Gone are the days when you’d wake up, brush and pick your Bible or Quran to read in the morning. It’s so easy now when the phone is lying next to you and your hand subtly grabs the phone and checks the number of messages in WhatsApp. Next, you forward the jokes to different groups and friends.

You are texting non-stop while walking on the road

Ever had someone told you ‘Hey watch out’ because you were too busy messaging your friends? It happens many times. If you cannot resist the urge to WhatsApp while walking on the road, you need to reconsider it. If you think sending messages or texting is more important than your safety, well you are addicted.

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Driving, eating or sleeping. You check WhatsApp

If you can’t resist the urge to check the message as soon as it beeps even if you are driving, eating or sleeping, which means risking driving or compromising on sleep, then you are addicted to it. You need to mellow down and take control of your life.

Your WhatsApp status shows online at 2 am

If it shows online at 2 am, it means obliviously you are wide awake texting or doing one or the other things in WhatsApp. Constantly updating your status and checking your friends profile pictures and waiting for validations from your friends regarding your profile picture is a sure sign of your addiction to WhatsApp.

Checking WhatsApp repeatedly if they have read your message

If you wait anxiously to see those blue double ticks that show your message has been read, you are definitely addicted. As soon as you hit that pin, you start expecting your friends to pick up the phone and check your message. They will check it when they think they should. You don’t have to pick your phone every time it beeps to check if they have received it or not. If your phone needs frequent charging due to the app, then you need to hold on and take it easy.

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Culled from TechHawk