4 reasons to love each other

Most people are far more likely to accept the mistakes of others than their own mistakes.

They love their neighbor more than themselves, they diminish to please the other, and they do so even in an irrational way because they grew up hearing that they need to improve on this or that, and since then they compare themselves to other people judging themselves inferior to them.

If you suffer from it you need to change! In fact, this low self-esteem needs to stop immediately.

You have to be your biggest fan! You do not have to accept your mistakes (we all err), but learning to deal with them in a healthy way and looking at yourself in a kinder way is fundamental.

You have many reasons to love yourself and you need to remember that!

1. You are special

Do you know in this world someone just like you? Certainly not. No one else in the world is exactly like you, you are unique. You are a special son of the Lord, you have a Divine Father who loves you, watches over you and wants to see you happy. There are no other copies of you walking around.

2. All have defects

Believe me, all people have flaws, so do not want to compare yourself to that famous actress or that TV man. Accept yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself. If you feel bad about your own body, your looks or your way of being, acting is a great opportunity to change. We are malleable and changeable. If something in yourself does not please you, change! Run behind your goals without forgetting that you are much more than just that detail that bothers you.

3. You have great qualities

Pay attention to their qualities! Do a daily exercise with yourself by noting a positive side of yourself and praising yourself. A compliment of yours for yourself will do your ego very well. Surely you will find innumerable physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological qualities that you had not even noticed before you watched closely.

4. You carry unique experiences

Have you ever imagined that you have a life story and that this story is all yours? Everything that you have gone through life, your experiences make you who you are and this is fantastic. Inside you there is a living baggage that serves as a special tool to make a difference in this world.

Learning to love yourself is a process that needs to be achieved and balanced. Look at yourself differently, love yourself first to be able to love others.

Alamu Tosin

The writer is Alamu Tosin. I have three strong passions in life — football, blogging and movies — in that order. I love spending time with friends talking about the important things in life and hate nothing more than ‘authority’ and hypocrisy. My personal believe in life is that once an individual sets his/her mind to achieve something, it is totally possible. And oh!, I am a strong Lannister, because I always pay my debt. For writing or fixing gigs, contact tosinalamu@gmail.com.