2020 Batch A Stream 1 Are Going Back To Camp – NYSC DG

The Director general of the National Youth Service, brigadier general Shuaibu Ibrahim PhD was hosted at the Armed forces FM Radio station 107.7 Abuja to talk and answer questions bothering on the affairs of the Batch A stream I corp members and stream II prospective corp members.

When the director general was asked on the fate of Batch A stream I corp members that were in camp midway before they were asked to vacate the orientation camps due to the corona virus pandemic, he said they will return to camps and finish their orientation and skill acquisition program immediately the presidential task force on Covid-19 gives the green light.

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It is clear batch A stream II will have to wait a little more to allow the stream I to finished their camp activities before they takeover the camps.

There are so many rumors going round that Batch A stream I will be posted to their place of primary assignments instead of finishing their remaining days in camps. He has with this information clear the air and rumors. So Stream I of the Batch A should get ready with their attires and provision to return to their camps and enjoy themselves.

Immediately after the Batch A stream I vacates the camps, stream II corp members will follow. So if you are in this stream take heart and know that you will also be a corp member in September most likely.