2 Major Causes Of Sudden Death During S£x

Death can happen during consenting intercourse for a variety of causes, most commonly due to the activity’s physical strain or exceptional extenuating circumstances. “Dying in the saddle,” for example, is one of many euphemisms for death during intimacy.

There have been countless incidents of people dying while in intimate relationships, but have you ever pondered why? The act of intercourse (or copulation) can be exhausting for all people involved, which is why both parties’ health is crucial.

Causes Of Death During S£x

Different reasons can cause death during intercourse, and some of them include.

1. Drug abuse.

Although it is unethical, many people utilise drugs to boost their intimate performance. Use of illegal drugs during intercourse can end in death. Heavy drugs (such as opiate painkillers) and alcohol are sometimes combined. In addition, some people use intimate enhancers with alcohol. Some chronic drug users will ingest marijuana or cocaine throughout the event. It’s all for the sake of a pleasurable copulation encounter. These powerful medications, on the other hand, are endangering their health. In particular, their hearts.

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Some intimate enhancers have been reported to produce hypotension (low blood pressure), which can lead to mortality when used with a nitrate-encompassing substance.

2. Cardiac arrest.

According to MedlinePlus, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart abruptly stops pumping, cutting off blood flow to the brain and other important organs. The heart normally does not cease beating during a heart attack.

In 17 of the almost 7000 instances examined, intimacy played a role. The average age of those who had an Intimate-related SCD was 38 years old, and roughly one-third of those who had it were women – a much higher percentage than earlier research had reported.

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Nearly half of the individuals had an underlying heart condition, according to the investigators. The other half were diagnosed with sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, which occurs when a person dies unexpectedly from a heart arrest.

From Ngnews247.com