10 Tips to Propose a Girl To Be Girlfriend For First Time

Find the best romantic ways to propose a girl to be girlfriend for the first time. These tips can also be used to propose her on phone or facebook chat.

Even if you’re thinking of asking a girl for the first time or making her official with a girl you’ve been dating, you sometimes start feeling nervous, even nauseous.

In order to get a favorable outcome it is best that you take it step by step. Do not rush into things like start from being a friend, then a date and then finally propose to make it official. Now that you are here means that you have a girl that you like and if you are certain about going through with it then let’s start. Follow these steps carefully to propose a girlfriend and jump into the dating game.


I think it’s pretty obvious that if you just say “I Love You” to some stranger they probably think that you are joking or worse. If you want her to take you seriously then you should get to know her and let her know the real you. The best way to accomplish this is to develop a friendship with her, but also flirt and show signals that you want her to be your girlfriend. Now remember you just have to be close enough that she feels comfortable talking to you regularly, but not so much that she put you in the friend zone. Here are some tips that can help you to get just close enough that when you ask her out it doesn’t come off as creepy.


Getting acquainted means that don’t be complete stranger to her. You can start by getting acquainted. I mean to say that make sure that she know your face. This is easy if you two share a class together or work together or something like that. Now that she is familiar with your face, it wouldn’t be a big surprise if you greeted her sometime. Once you two have exchanged the casual “Hi” and “Hello” then I believe it’s time to go ahead.

Since she knows who you are, she is going to be comfortable talking to you. All this can be done is one single conversation or may take a couple of conversations. But don’t take too long to introduce yourself like you said “Hi” once and then weeks or months later you go and start talking. That would definitely be uncomfortable for her as you out of the blur started talking to her. Just maintain a casual rapport with her and you will be fine.


Once you two are comfortable with each other than you should exchange your number with each other. If you haven’t yet then there is nothing to worry about because now you have social media to get in touch. Try to chat with her on facebook or whatsapp. Start with something small like “Hey Stranger! John Smith here” Or anything similar that would compel her to reply. Try making it a habit to chat with her on a regular basis. See if you talk to her when you meet and then you chat with her when you are apart. This way she will start getting comfortable with you. A reliable friend is not far from friend zone, hence be safe by lightly flirting with her. Remember if you flirt with her normally then she wouldn’t creep out if you ask her out .


If you two have been talking and chatting then I am sure that she is comfortable enough to hang out with you. If you think it’s a risk then start with a group hang out activity. For example, you can go for a movies with all friends or some other group activities. And when you are out in a group try to focus all your attention on her. This will hep you achieve two things. First is, she will know that you are there for her. The second goal is achieved when her friends will see that you like her and maybe tease her later.

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Now all this attention towards you as a couple by your friend is good as it puts dating game. Once you are comfortable in group hangouts then you can try to hang out with only the two of you together. Try the classics “I have two tickets for her favorite band. Would you like to go with me?” Since she is comfortable with hanging out with you, you can imagine her answer being yes.


If you are friends with her then you can probably catch her alone sometime. It’s important that you propose a girl when you both are alone. This is alone if you do it in front of her friends then it can make her uncomfortable and could possible change her answer. So if she is not alone, try getting her alone by telling her that you would like to talk to you after work or school. This will get her thinking about you. Decide a place beforehand so it is not uncomfortable when you do tell her to meet you after.


Once you two are at your desired place then you can start executing your plan. Start with some normal talk, don’t just rush into it. Try making her laugh by making jokes and make small talks. Once you both have shared a laugh then you are ready to pop the question.

Remember it is better if you ask her immediately after she is laughing. First make her laugh then you talk about how both of you have been friends of a while. Second you mention how good you two get along together and you have a nice when she is around. Now it’s high time you confess how you feel about her, but keep it casual. Say something like “I was hoping that we can be more than ‘Just Friends’. I like you a lot and would like to take you out on a date.”

Once you have said that then you should sit there in silence and let it sink in. If she likes what you are proposing, she would say yes and if that is the case, than take it calmly. Don’t start jumping around and doing a victory dance of sorts. But also express how happy you are by smiling and telling her that and how nervous you were the whole time.


Now that you two have been dating for a while you may start having deep feelings towards her. And you would want to say those three words, but you are thinking what if she doesn’t say it back or doesn’t feel the same way. Remember it’s not always you find the one person who you like and who likes you back. So you should express your feelings as there may be no tomorrow. But before doing anything drastic consider the following points. Acknowledge how you really feel towards her and not how you think you should feel. Be true to your feelings and if you are sure be ready to express it when the time occurs.

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Since you only get one chance to propose a girl to be your girlfriend, do it properly. Remember if you do this right than it will be both romantic and a memorable moment for both of you. First you have to get her to relax and this can be done if she is in an environment which is well known to her. So plan a date where you two have met before like a place where you went on your first date. Make sure that you have made all the necessary arrangement beforehand like reservations and stuff. Now since everything is planned you don’t have to worry about something going wrong.


All the plans are made and it’s time to successfully execute them. Token of appreciation is good will gesture on your part. Since you two have been dating a while now it wouldn’t strike her as strange. Flowers, chocolates are all fair game here as well. If you want to make it stand out then you should throw in a hand written letter or a romantic card with romantic note written. This little good will gesture shows how much you appreciate her and set the mood for what’s coming.

Remember not to give her this gift beforehand, wait till the date is over and then present her with it. So, it will surprise her as well. Now if you have flowers then you have to give it before the date, but then she has to carry it around wherever. Chocolates on the other hand can be used as a desert after a nice meal. Think it through when choosing a token of appreciation.


After you have presented her with the token of appreciation, now is the time to propose a girl and say the three little magic words. You see a proposal for a girl to be your girlfriend cannot be completed without you saying the “L” letter word. It doesn’t matter if it is “I Like You” for now but the gesture is important. Now that all is said and done it is time for you to take a breather and give her a chance to reply. If the reply is positive then take it graciously without boasting too much about it.If it is no then take it with grace as well. Don’t start cursing or begging if the reply is negative.

In the end I would like to mention that going from being a date to her boyfriend is a big commitment. Although not as big as marriage, but a commitment nonetheless. Be sure that this is absolutely what you want and that you are not doing this for the wrong reasons. And if you are sure then don’t over think about how her reply is going to be just go ahead and do it. And lastly, one should know that flowers die after a while and chocolates are eaten but the feelings never disappear. In essence what I am trying to say is just go with your heart while choosing all the options even with the token of appreciation. Leave all your cards on the table and you won’t be disappointed.