10 Steps to Get Out of a Bad Relationship

Find the best way to get out of a bad relationship which has trapped you and is going no where. These tips will help you escape this toxic and abusive relationship.

Sick relationships are a huge obstacle in the lives of many people who many times do not know how to leave or fear to do so. You should not be afraid to seek your own happiness, so if you are in a toxic relationship and want to get out of it, these tips will help you do it once and for all. These tips will help you identify your problems and provide you with a simple solution to get out of bad relationship with your guy/girl quickly.


Although it sounds strange, there are many people who are in unhealthy relationships without knowing it. They are violated and mistreated by their partner who assures to love them when it is not. Pay attention to those around you, because your loved ones only want the best for you. So do not get defensive when they talk about your relationship, instead try to see what they are telling you. This way you can identify in what kind of relationship you are and what steps to follow next.


Your partner is supposed to love you and make you happy, both privately and in public, and if he/she is not doing it, it is because something is wrong. If you are telling yourself or others that your partner yelled at you because he/she had a bad day, you deserved the push he gave you. You should not let this happen to you. Since you are trying to justify his/her behavior, what you is hurting yourself. I don’t mean to fight back, but just let your guy/girl know that you about their inappropriate behavior. If there is no change in their behavior then it is better to get out of a bad relationship than living life with someone without respect.


You must know that you are worth as much as anyone, so stop thinking that you deserve that person and everything bad that has done you. Never think you cannot find someone better and should be satisfied with him/her. Never get that thought that you are not good enough or that person is everything you need and you are nothing without it. They are just excuses that hurt you and are completely false, do not recess and learn to give you the value you deserve.


You must get out of denial and start being honest with yourself. Think hard why you are with your partner and whether it is worth being in that relationship. It will help you to answer questions such as: Do I want to spend time with my partner or do I feel like I have to do it? Does he/she make comments that make me feel bad? Do I go to that person looking for love and affection that never appears? Do I feel sorry for him/her? This is of vital importance because it will give you a perspective on your relationship that you have never dared to seek. You must answer them sincerely if you really want to get out of your toxic relationship and be happy.

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Be direct and tell your partner that you no longer want to continue in this relationship. Once you have recognized that you are in a toxic relationship, it is best to be direct and end up with your partner once and for all. Do not give him long ultimatum as this lends time for manipulations and in the end you could end up deciding to stay with your partner.

Remember that relationship is harmful to you and you must have the courage to tell him/her that you no longer want to continue in it. Being direct is the only way to get out of a bad relationship with your partner. If you feel he/she can be harmful then do it at a place with your friends just within your reach.


In a desperate attempt to stay by your side your partner will be able to say anything. You will hear him make promises about the future. He will tell you that things between you will change if you stay and that will treat you as you deserve. At first it may be so, but then it will be who it was before and you will return to the starting point. Your partner will not change or treat you differently, you must remember that if he/she really loved you then he/she would have treated you as you deserved since the beginning. If still you think that your guy/girl deserves a chance then go for it.


Your partner may react badly to your decision to leave you and may resort to threats and manipulations in an attempt to stay with you. Maybe he/she threatens to tell everyone that secret about you to tarnish your reputation by saying terrible things about you. Your partner may even try to physically harm you, but do not let yourself be intimidated, fight that fear and do not fall into these threats. Let your family and friends know of these threats so that they can protect you and help you.


Stay far away from your partner as possible, you must get him/her out of your life as difficult and painful it may be. Keep in mind why you decided to leave him/her whenever you feel tempted to send a message. Block his/her number and do not go to the same places that your partner usually goes. This is to remove the guy or girl completely from your life and only then you can bring back happiness.

Stay out of your circle of mutual friends. This is important when breaking contact with your partner, because if you stay in your same circle of friends he or she could appear at any time. Other possibility is that your friends could try to persuade you to get back together. It is best to start the root problem if you really want to end this relationship once and for all. Its not that you should not meet them for life time, but it is advisable to avoid meeting them for the first few months.

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Even if it is painful, you must be strong and resist the temptation to get in touch. After your breakup you will start missing your partner and your relationship, but bring to your mind why you decided to end it. It was something that you did for yourself; remember that it is more painful to stay in that relationship than to leave it.


Do some activity that prevents you from thinking about the partner. The worst thing you can do is lock yourself in because when you’re not doing something, it’s easier to think about what you want to avoid. Try to do a new activity, learn to prepare a new dish, exercise, go to the hairdresser, anything that distracts your mind from that toxic relationship will be good to stay away from it.

Find support in your friends. Friends are for something, ask them to help you distract you, go out and have fun. Tell them to advise you and remind you why you decided to leave your partner. Having your friends company will make you feel better and help you to convince yourself about leaving that toxic relationship.


When you are tempted to return to that relationship, think that you decided to get out of a bad relationship with your partner to escape sadness. Your partner did not make you happy and always treated you with disrespect. So it is not worth it to waste your time giving everything without receiving anything in return.

Remember that there is someone better for you. We all have someone out there, there is someone waiting to make you happy and hoping to get a partner like you. So do not be discouraged, because your perfect guy/girl will arrive sooner or later. You must learn to value yourself, remember that you deserve to be treated with respect, to be loved and to be happy.