10 Signs You’re Dating A Keeper Not A Player

How do you know if a woman is “the one”? Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer to anything in life. Are you struggling with the decision to stay with her or find someone else? There are definitely some signs that you should move on, there are some signs that let you know that woman is worth keeping around. Is she girlfriend material?

Here are 10 ways to figure out if she’s a keeper:

1. She’s smart and intelligent

A lot of people wrongly assume that smart women have to be intimidating but really, there’s nothing sexier than a woman with a strong mind. She’ll hold conversation that’ll genuinely engage you, you’ll have respect for her and you’ll find yourself falling in love with the way she speaks with so much passion and proficiency. Let’s call a halt to the day of only finding ‘dumb girls’ attractive.

2. You find her completely beautiful always

Sure, a woman won’t necessarily be on top form when she’s ill or whatever else – but if you find your girl beautiful first thing in the morning, throughout the day, when she’s chilling in her pjs and last thing at night when she’s make-up free then she’s definitely worth holding on to.

3. She’s kind and has a nurturing nature

Of course, not everybody dreams of one day having children but if you do – a woman who you know will make a great and loving mother is certainly a strong attribute. Chances are, if she’s nurturing she’ll appreciate that side of you too and you can take it in turns to take care of each other.

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4. She’s vivacious and has a fire in her

I’m not saying she needs to be aggressive, by fire I mean a passion, a liveliness. A woman who can be entertaining as well as keeping you on your toes. If she challenges you and makes you laugh at the same time, she’s nailing it and so are you.

5. She makes you feel her love

Bob Dylan wrote a song about this and if there’s anything Dylan’s well versed in, it’s women stuff. Insecurity can be so damaging for a relationship and if you’re with a woman that isn’t open in showing you love and affection, it can be difficult to maintain. When you’re with a woman who you feel is wholly devoted to you, your self-confidence rockets.

6. She’s open to compromises

Both women and men can be as stubborn as an ox and it’s equally important for both to be able to see alternative points of view. If you find a woman that’s able to do that for you and you for her, it’s the perfect mix for a well-functioning relationship.

7. Being around her feels like home

Being with her is your favourite place to be and she really feels like home. Sure, home isn’t always sunshine and roses but it’s yours and you wouldn’t change it for any other.

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8. She balances strong and feminine perfectly

There’s nothing like a woman who can grab you by the balls and bite your lip at the same time. A strong woman will keep you intrigued, she’s the woman you need in your life to keep you on track and you’ll forever feel proud of her.

9. She’s not suffocating but isn’t afraid to get involved

A woman who respects the fact that you sometimes want to hang out without her but will also come along sometimes too and make the effort with your mates. Keeper 101.

10. She has a great sense of humour.

A woman who will laugh with you, at you, at herself; it makes for such a warm atmosphere when you’re around her and means you have the best time together.

Source: Viralthread.com